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3 Reasons Why You Need to be Using a Marketing Chatbot in Your eCommerce Business, Ep 6

By May 11, 2018June 26th, 2018No Comments

Here’s an insider eCommerce tip that will blow your competition out of the water: start using a marketing chatbot in Facebook Messenger. This technology is starting to explode and I want YOU to be one of the first eCommerce businesses that adopt this new way of communicating with your audience. Don’t be fooled, marketing chatbots such as ManyChat aren’t just a shiny new toy, they’re going to revolutionize the way we distribute content and sell products to consumers. The vast majority of eCommerce sellers aren’t utilizing this essential piece of technology and the ones who ARE aren’t doing it in the right ways. Don’t miss this episode of Marketing For eCommerce if you want to hear the top 3 reasons why you need to start a marketing chatbot in your business. I also share with you a 2-minute call to action that could change your business forever. Listen now!

#1 – The engagement rate with chatbots is INSANE

Many businesses have seen their click rates skyrocket from 10-15% to 25% or even 70%. That’s because Facebook Messenger is an intimate platform that audiences have already integrated into their daily lives. These stats go beyond just opening rates – because most people will open a message in their Messenger account if they recognize it comes from a business or product they’ve expressed interest in.

These click rates should serve as encouragement that marketing chatbots are here to stay – and your business does not want to miss the boat on this piece of technology. Hear more about why chatbots are so successful by giving this episode of Marketing For eCommerce your full attention.

#2 – It’s a one-to-one communication channel

Marketing chatbots serve as an intimate, personalized, one-to-one communication channel. It’s not a blanket email message sent out to thousands of subscribers. Chatbots have the potential to be highly personalized and segmented while still being automated. It’s the perfect mix of targeted messages without the hassle of hand-picking content for every potential customer.

On the other hand, eCommerce sellers MUST recognize the threat of sending too many messages within a short timeframe. No one wants to be blasted with messages, especially on a platform as personal as Messenger. Make sure you’re carefully curating your content and delivering it to your customers in a timely, respectful way, or risk losing subscribers.

#3 – You can directly integrate payments through the marketing chatbot

This is the ultimate game changer for eCommerce sellers who utilize a marketing chatbot – integrated payments. Providers such as Stripe can now be fully integrated into your chatbot service, and thus your Facebook platform. The opportunities to present new offers and increase your average cart value are nearly limitless. Personalized content delivered directly to a prospect’s Messenger account, with a seamless payment gateway added into the equation, provides the perfect chance for selling success. Hear more by listening to this episode of Marketing For eCommerce.

How can you get started with a marketing chatbot?

Here’s your call to action after listening to this episode of Marketing For eCommerce. Open a new tab in your browser. Go to and open a free account. Connect your business Facebook page. And that’s it! It’s a 2-minute process that will open the door to countless future opportunities for eCommerce success. To hear more about the process and why I did this for my own business, give this episode of Marketing For eCommerce a listen.

There’s never been a better time to become a stellar eCommerce seller. Marketing chatbots are here to stay, and you NEED to take advantage of this technology. I promise it’ll be worth it.

Outline of This Episode

  • [0:35] The biggest new opportunity for eCommerce sellers and marketers
  • [2:08] #1 – The engagement rate is INSANE
  • [7:12] #2 – It’s a one-to-one communication channel, not one-to-many
  • [11:35] #3 – Integrate your payment right into messenger
  • [15:45] Your 2-minute call to action for this episode

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